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Double Escort Rules

Double Escort Rules



-For double escort go always in treasure escort first. Why? Treasure escort give you more exp, and if we are all together in the same map is much more easy to protect you Avarez


-After you accept your escort open guild call (big red button near to skill bar), you need to be always ready to call us, that can save you Piscadela


-When you call for guild help, help us to kill the enemy, use your skills (stun, shield) and hit the enemy, even if you are low lvl is always a BIG help.


-When you finish your escorts, dont forget not all have them your turn to help!! stay in escort maps, fight our enemy's and help those who still are in escort Sorriso


-Try to go always in escort with epic (purple) or rare (blue) escort, for that you need to refresh the escort, you spend 1000 silver to each refresh in prison escort and 500 silver for each refresh in treasure escort. you just need patience and you will get more exp.